Dr. Marsha Maxwell


Dr. Marsha Maxwell is the Head of Technology and Innovation at Atlanta International School. She is an accomplished STEM expert and a specialist in exploring and creating meaningful AI and VR learning experiences. Marsha is a renowned speaker for educational summits and a firm believer in equity and inclusion in technology.

Marsha, what are the challenges for implementing innovative teaching and learning in schools right now, what role does technology play?  

The COVID disruption highlighted the biggest challenge for education, which, in my opinion, is confronting the ever-widening equity gap. Unfortunately, we do not now have any real model that will provide technological solutions to the most vulnerable populations that need them. If we are not careful, if we don't keep this criterion firmly in focus, we can actually create an even more disparate educational experience- consigning a vast number of students to a disenfranchised status in the tech-rich future. Therefore, all of our conversations around innovation in education must use equity as a foundational criterion.  

As Head of Technology and Innovation at Atlanta International School, how would you define innovation?

When most people think about innovation, there is a lot of gee-whiz, glitz, and the cool or wow-factor. For me, innovation is the opposite of that. It's not Jules Verne or Star Trek. While those are inspirational works, innovation is about tackling hard problems that we are facing today or the very near future. Gathering insight and inspiration from non-obvious sources to solve those problems. The challenge is that the problems are not necessarily perceived to be problems -- yet. So there is also this futurist, visionary aspect. Even more difficult, is the work of guiding people who are content with the status quo to see the benefits of the new future you are co-creating and adopt them. But what has been consuming my thoughts is creating alternative environments for people to collaborate in that envelops them in a feeling of togetherness and belonging that is currently missing in XR environments currently. Basically, infusing sensory realism, a social-emotional element into the experience.

Where do you see technology making the biggest impact on education in the next few years? 

The biggest impact technology can have on education in the near future is offering more meaningful personalized instruction -- this is both on the individual level and for groups of students. As we make more progress with AI and integrate augmented analytics, we can help educators make more data-informed decisions and create the systems and processes needed to make truly bespoke learning programs a realistic possibility.

Thank you, Marsha! Keep pioneering and stay connected.

Learn more about Marsha’s work at AIS: www.aischool.org


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