Sustainability Education
Dulwich College Singapore
During WasteLESS Week, Junior School students at DCS have been considering different aspects of waste across our College and society, including energy, food, water, plastic and paper waste. The Junior School Sustainability Ambassadors focused on waste in the dining room. They worked with our Sodexo chefs to harvest and use fresh herbs from our College garden and discovered how food waste from the kitchen and dining room is collected and transferred to a machine where it is processed into compost. This compost is then returned to the herb garden as food for the plants. We were all impressed by the circular nature of the process! We recognise the challenges involved in reducing waste, but can also celebrate and take inspiration from the progress that is being made by us personally, and globally. One sustainability ambassador stated, "Reducing waste is tough, but if we all work together we can make positive changes that will be good for our whole planet!".
Dulwich College Singapore